Current date/time is Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:10 pm

Forum Terms of service

Using the forum. By registering on this forum, you agree to use it properly, and to refrain from posting any content that is aggressive, offensive, defamatory, hateful, or in violation of applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to post messages inciting or evoking illegal practices, or violating the terms of use of the service.

The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.

In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

Present rules are valid for the whole forum. Separate sections and forums of the conference may have their own rules which specify the rules of conduct in them. However, present rules are obligatory in any case. The rules are introduced to create comfortable and constructive atmosphere of communication. If the established form of communication doesn't suit you, then please make sure you are careful when posting or commenting I. Registration of users. 1.By registration in the forum you accept present Rules. 2.To register in the forum a user must provide an active e-mail address. We guarantee privacy of the provided information. 3.Choice of a username (a nickname) is your exclusive right. The administration reserves the right to take measures for stopping a nickname usage, if its usage violates generally accepted moral and ethic standards and it is insulting for other forum users. Registration of nicknames, resembling the existing ones so that they can mislead other forum users, is prohibited. 4.Repeated registration of one user, regardless of his/her aims, is prohibited. This violation is considered to be extremely serious and leads to the blocking of all accounts. 5.If you do not display activity in the forum for a long time, you account may be removed. II. Rules of conduct in the forum. 1.Communication in the forum is based on the principles of generally accepted morality and netiquette. 2.Usage of swear and abusive words is strictly prohibited, no matter in what form and to whom they are addressed. It concerns substitution of letters by characters as well. 3.Any advertising, including Internet projects (except for the cases of preliminary approval with the administration), is strongly prohibited. 4.Your signature must be sensible. 5. NO CONTACT INFOMATION can be given out through signatures and/or posts. Posts and signatures will be DELETED if this rule is broken. IT is for your safety III. Message posting. 1.Thread subject must be informative and reflect the core of the problem to the maximum. 2.Before you create a new thread, make sure that you create it in the forum of the proper subject area and that this question hasn’t been discussed before. 3.Creation of identical threads in different sections and posting of similar messages in different threads is prohibited. 4.Try not to make grammar mistakes in your posts, it will give a negative impression about you. IV. Relationship between users and the administration. 1.The administration follow common sense and internal rules of forum management in their actions. The administration reserves the right to change the rules with the further notification of forum users. All forum changes and updates are carried out with the consideration of users' opinions and interests.